Lessons in SEO to help your business grow
As a new brand or business starting out in the digital world, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) should be an essential part of your online strategy to remain relevant.
SEO is a method of ensuring effective usability of your website and injecting that usability into search engine metrics that allows your website to be found by a potential client or customer. A great SEO strategy can boost the number of visitors that come to your website. But how do you optimize SEO, rank for keywords, while capturing and converting traffic? It may seem intimidating to learn, but here are some lessons to help you understand the value of SEO.
What are your customers searching for?
If you’re starting a line of CBD-infused skincare products, you may want to figure out what people are searching to get to your website. SEO keywords are the terms that potential customers type into their search consoles.
How do you figure out SEO terms?
It’s easy. List the categories that your business belongs to and research relevant key terms that are of interest to you. Then select a combination of long keywords and short phrases. For example:
A CBD-infused skincare and topical company’s key terms can be narrowed down to: cannabis, skincare, beauty products, wellness, health products, natural products
Short phrases: beauty, cannabis, skincare
Long keywords: CBD wellness, cannabis health products
Use keywords to help tackle your SEO strategy.
Target keywords that are relevant to your website, products or services. Some keywords are more indicative of a person’s interest in what you offer. Incorporate these SEO keywords consistently throughout your website or by injecting them in headlines. Optimize headlines to be newsworthy and eye-catching. If it’s a high-quality headline, it will lead to engagement — which is what keeps your readers and customers coming back to your site and is the first step to building relationships.
SEO is a quality over quantity task that takes time to tackle — rankings don’t happen overnight. Devise a long term strategy that outlines to how to use your SEO keywords and help improve your rankings.
Photo Credit: Frederique Matti